For Your Listening Pleasure

This is nothing more than a place to discuss music and all its tasty goodness

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dancing Days (Led Zeppelin)

"Dancing days are here again as the summer evenings grow..."It's summer, and that means only one thing: my summer playlist. Summer is where I feel people discover music more than ever and I take a great deal amount of time prepping for it. And my summer playlist typically reflects the music I enjoyed that year, so with this past year being my biggest music year to date, the possibilities are endless. Last year "By The River" by Dogs defined my summer 2009, but I typically don't find out til after summer what my summer theme song was. However, I can assure you that this summer will be one for the record books as it is my last summer by the sea. I've actually compiled a few playlists together to form my one big summer 2010 playlist. My jazz playlist, a few playlists I made for my friends, my initial summer 2010 playlist, and a new playlist I made inspired by the book I'm reading Mountains Beyond Mountains. Additionally, there are quite a few albums I plan to enjoy, some oldies I'll be revisiting and some newbies thrown in there.

P.S. for some reason Grooveshark is repeating the first track on all my playlists, lo siento.

And of course, it wouldn't be right to be back in PV and not enjoy my Roscoe Road At Night playlist. I added some new songs:

Delicious Albums

...And Then We Saw The Land is the newest album released by the British experimental folk group Tunng. A fellow DJ recommended them to me and I cannot imagine a better summer band. Folktronica is their style and I feel like that genre is best for summer...little bit of laid back melodic folk mixed in with some upbeat grooves - you can't go wrong.

Though an oldie (2003 to be exact), this Animal Collective album Campfire Songs alludes to the warm and inviting atmosphere felt when gathered around a campfire...need I say more?

Saw this movie over Spring Break and knew immediately it would be on my summer 2010 playlist. I'm Not There features Bob Dylan songs sung by Eddie Vedder, Jim James, Iron and Wine, Jeff Tweedy, Willie Nelson, Sonic Youth, Sufjan Stevens, Yo La Tengo, The Black Keys, just summons eager ears. My favorite cover is by far Jim James from My Morning Jacket and Calexico doing "Goin to Acapulco"

<a href="">Universe City by Native America</a>
Native America or Ross Farbe, a friend of mine at Loyola, made his first solo EP Dancing About Architecture and likes to describe it as something like "folkish drippy smokey pop music". But ultimately you have to listen for yourself. I dig it, a lot. And you will too. You can listen and download for free on the listening link above.

A WTUL New Orleans must...Neon Indian's Psychic Chasms is THE college radio album of the year (atleast at the station I work at). Debut album for the Texas locals, this album is a requirement for anyone's summer playlist. My friends and I like to jam to this when we go through car washes, it just fits.

<a href="">Sphinx Vs. Cobra by Mojo Method</a>Mojo Method, Loyola band, friends, comrades, musical geniuses. This now dismembered band once gave a whole new meaning to life for those who were able to witness their glory. Download everything, from every album. "Camouflage", "Mmmelt" (instrumental version from their Giant Human Chessboard EP), and "Sphinx vs. Cobra" are without a doubt an enjoyable bunch. Download and listen for free on the link above.

Project Trio consists of a bassist, cellist, and flute beat-boxer. Flutist Greg Pattillo is an incredible musician who collaborates with his two friends to create Project Trio's third studio album titled Project Trio. Every song is delectable, but the real treat is the last track which is a Guns n Roses cover of "Sweet Child of Mine".Listen To Me

Seventh album, first on new record label, Dr. Dog's newest release Shame, Shame is open for discussion. More produced, more upbeat, just more of everything is what I feel can sum up this album. I need to listen to this more before I make any judgments. Many of the songs have been in the works for years like "Where'd All The Time Go" is actually five years old. It has a little bit more experimentation and a more rock-oriented edge.

Discovered these guys in the station, Horse Feathers are kindling my indie folk fire with their first album released in 2006 Words Are Dead. Listening to this band while reading Mountains Beyond Mountains is very therapeutic and highly recommended.

<a href="">Allways by Sun Hotel</a>
My good buddies from Loyola, Sun Hotel are nothing but a bunch of drunken bastards who you can't seem to stop listening to. They sing "dirty swamp rocknroll" and are currently making their way up to Connecticut to play in this years B.O.M.B. Fest on May 30th. Their new EP Team Spirit is one big classic American nationalistic ballad that will definitely be my July 4th anthem.

MGMT sophomore album Congratulations is a sort of conceited album about their fame after their debut album Oracular Spectacular (which is the album I own on digital, cd, and vinyl format - I was obsessed with it). My brother (another fellow MGMT lover) went out and bought the cd so we could listen to it together, but I have yet to give it a try. Everyone has told me it's different, more laid back, and I think it will flow well with the rest of my summer jams. We shall see.

<a href="">Cocaine and Jalapenos by High In One Eye</a> Fellow Loyola students Evan and Andrew combine to create High In One Eye and have released their EP Neon Orange. This is what they have to say:"Check this out. We're High In Eye. Some call us Experimental. Some call us math rock. Some people call us on the phone. But most importantly, we are a 2 piece, guitar and drum based, rhythmically driven with eclectic melodies and coarse changes." Their single "Love Itches" is possibly my favorite song from them and I cannot help but crank this up at about 2:20 seconds into it. If you get a chance SEE THESE GUYS LIVE.
<a href="">Love Itches by High In One Eye</a>

My friend Tyler (also lead singer of Sun Hotel) never ceases to inform me of how much I need to listen to Beach House. Teen Dream is the third album and only album I own from this Baltimore duo. Soft, melodic dream pop jams with slow atmospheric rhythms and "haunting lyrics" are Beach House' specialty. Tyler, if you read this - take note that I am taking your advice.

<a href="">On the Mississippi by New Grass Country Club</a> I've said it before, I'll say it again...I fucking love these guys. New Grass Country Club has finally put down a record Join The Club. Since the band had been sitting on these songs for about 4/5 years, they originally were going to call their album Greatest Hits as a joke. "All students at Loyola New Orleans, this fellowship of the string come from the far reaches of this great nation. Playing some of the city's most popular venues, this group of funloving rascals love to do one thing: play music, real nice an' American-like. Well groomed, well mannered, and downright gentlemen, the band shows a ever-blooming maturity that few can top." Their CD Release Party a few weeks ago was easily one of the best shows I've ever seen.

Pixies are always, always on my summer playlists, but this summer in particular is definitely Pixie season. I'll start off with Surfer Rosa simply because of the bassline heard on track one "Bone Machine". Anytime I listen to Pixies, life as I know it gets a little more edgier, a littler more adventurous, a little more raw, and a little more authentic.

The Shins have always been that band whose every album I own, whose songs I can recognize like that (snap your fingers for a visual), but never really truly got into them....until now. Their album Wincing the Night Away is the only one I haven't had the pleasure of listening to in excess. My friend put "Sea Legs" on a mix for me and I couldn't believe I hadn't given this album a listen.

Had the pleasure of seeing The Dead Weather two weeks ago at Jazz Fest and let me tell you, 1) Jack White on drums....wrap your brain around that 2) female lead singer Alison Mosshart who I will honestly agree to have a crush on 3) I don't think I've ever seen anyone get into their music more than this band. Their new album Sea of Cowards was released today May 11, 2010 and I had the pleasure of hearing it at the show. So far it sounds tasty, it could get tastier. "Hustle and Cuss" has the intro of intros...simple and good. First Listen to Dead Weather Album

Fell in love with Beirut after hearing them on the must-have compilation album "Dark Was The Night" with their song "Mimizan". This album The Flying Club Cup is inspired by everything French. I can't wait to travel and this album is just the incentive I need to get myself together and become a wanderlust.

Supergroup Monsters of Folk consists of Jim James (My Morning Jacket), Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes)
and M. Ward. My friend Murphy can attribute to my appreciation for this band. I've been sleeping on this album for a while, and I think it's about time to wake up.

Tasty Reads
Every summer I set aside a pile of books I either want to start reading, finish reading, or re-read. Here are just a few:

This should keep you busy for a while.