Pioneers! O Pioneers
Now, I don't know how you learned about American history, but I for one was a big fan of the "Whitest Kids U'Know". And this rendition of how American won the Revolutionary War could possibly be true:
Here in Jacksonville (Beaches), cars are just not possible on this holiday, bikes are the only mode of transportation. Here's a rundown of this glorious day: Wake up around 9am, put on my bathing suit, watch Nathan's Hot Dog eating competition, get all my "necessities" ready (since I will not be going back to my house until the next day), get on my bike, meet up with all my other friends on their bikes, do a toast, and just ride on the beach all day. Swim in the ocean, bike some more, meet new people, then start heading back south. At night, I meet up with my family at our friend's house, cook barbecue, play ping-pong, light some friendly fireworks on the beach. But after all that, I meet up once again with my friends for a very eventful night....starting it off with....The American Box.
The "American Box" was developed by my good friend Harry who decided to create the ultimate firework display. The "American Box" typically is a huge brown paper bag filled with every explosive Harry can get his hands on. Firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missiles, flares, aerial shells, cherry bombs, saxons, fountains, basically you name it, it's in there. It's extremely illegal to say the least. And how Harry manages to cram all these explosives in one bag is simply impressive. But after he's filled the inside of the bag, he then pokes at least 50+ rocket fireworks all through the bag making it almost impossible to pick up.
In order to get myself in the right mind set for this holiday, I typically get comfy, find an unoccupied tv and pop this classic in the tube:
Of course, no 4th of July would be complete without my Independence Day playlist. On this playlist I get very picky. I choose only American musicians, and only songs that I think best represent American music. You'd be surprised how many musicians are not American. If you have any of these songs on your ipod, I recommend making a playlist and just listen to it all day tomorrow wherever you are. It's pretty enjoyable:
So there it is, my 4th of July blog post and playlist. I wish you all a happy 4th and let me leave with the greatest speech in American history: