For Your Listening Pleasure

This is nothing more than a place to discuss music and all its tasty goodness

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meet Me In the Basement (Broken Social Scene)

I feel like a complete idiot. I had no idea that Broken Social Scene came out with a new album (I should've guessed when I saw them on the lineups for most of the music festivals this summer). I sincerely apologize for not writing about this new album sooner. Hopefully after this album blows your brains out (if it hasn't already), it'll make up for my poor timing. From the first track "World Sick", BSS reminds me once again why I admire them oh so much. The super-group manages to blend, chop, and frappé all their instruments into only a few minutes of absolute sweetness. So far, "Meet Me In The Basement" is my favorite track (and it just so happens to be the only instrumental track off this album - go figure I'd like it the most). If you haven't noticed already, I'm not a fan of song-by-song reviews. People have their impressions of the albums so I try let you create your own. I'm just here to supply the musical goodies along with my small input. Anyways, I apologize again for this being so late. Listen and enjoy.

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