For Your Listening Pleasure

This is nothing more than a place to discuss music and all its tasty goodness

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Up Man (The Cool Kids)

This summer I partook in the International Mix Tape Swap where you commit to make 60-80 minutes worth of music you love for someone who has been randomly assigned to you anywhere in the world. You had to design album art as well as write a letter enclosed with your mix. The mix I received came from a girl named Anna in Omaha, Nebraska (see photo left). And her mix was absolutely delectable. It was exactly what I needed: some new goodies, old goodies and goodies that just needed to be added to my library. As far as mixes go, this is easily one of the best I've received (the new Black Keys is on here, nuff said). But the real treat on this mix is the hip-hop selections. She didn't know my love for The Cool Kids or any indie/hip-hop mash up, but there they are...on this mix. Enjoy.


1.) The Tampa, Florida artist known as Shamantis took Justin Bieber's song "U Smile", and dropped it into a black hole slowing the process down by 800% with rather dramatic results.....beautiful dramatic results to be exact.
J. BIEBZ - U SMILE 800% SLOWER by Shamantis

2.)Ryan Adam's new sci-fi metal concept album "Orion".....(Just take a look at the track listing names):
1. Signal Fade
2. Imminent Galactic War
3. Disappyramid
4. Fire Away
5. Defenders Of The Galaxy
6. Fire And Ice
7. By Force
8. Ghorgon Master of War
9. Ariel
10. Electro Snake
11. Victims Of The Brigade
12. 2000 Ships
13. End Of Days

3.) The Wilderness Downtown is Arcade Fire's new online interactive video for "We Use To Wait" featured on their new "Suburbs" album. Click the link above, do what it says and just watch. If this is the track music videos are going down, I can't wait to get my foot officially in the music industry door.

4.)Google came out with their latest upgrade to iTunes by collaborating with Twitter to create a social network for music (bout damn time). After hearing the news, I made an account and was quickly annoyed. Spam is flooding the boards, it restricts you to only iTunes downloads (which are once-in-a-blue-moon for me), and it's only limited to iTunes users. If you're going to have a social network, it needs to be open to everyone, even people who don't use Apple products. Apple loves to handcuff its customers and this program is just another example. Regardless, the idea is solid, but the execution has a lot to be desired.

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